CHANGE starts from you

Posted by Posted by Unknown On 1:04 AM

Yesterday I was watching news on television, it was showing that angry people are protesting against unscheduled load shedding. Protestants were damaging shops, Buses, Trains, Banks, visitor’s guidance boards and other public/ government properties of their own city. As I was watching this news many questions were running in my mind. When we will start acting as educated nation? When will we learn that all Gov. Properties are our own properties? When we will learn effective methods of protests? When we will learn that by burning a shop or bus we are snatching away the only source of income from poor people?

I am not saying that we should not protest, we should do this as the country in which we are living no one will listen to us without that but we should do it in effective and peaceful way. Round the world there are about 7 common methods of peaceful protests.
  • Petitions - here signatures are collected to protest against an issue and then handed into the relevant body or authority. An alternative here is a letter petition where people sign a pre-written letter that is sent by many people as a protest.
  • Demonstrations - here people gather together to make a particular protest.
  • Rallies - here people gather together to listen to speakers covering issues.
  • Marches - here people march on a certain route to make a protest.
  • Pickets - here people will occupy a certain area (i.e. outside a factory or government building) to make a protest.
  • Sit Ins - here people will occupy a specific area to make a protest.
  • Strikes - here employees will go on strike to protest against something that relates to their employment.
We have to select the most effective method for our protests from the above but one thing we should keep in mind that all protests should be peaceful. Never ever damage any public or Government property during the protest.  If you think that your message will reach more strongly if you burn Government/Public property then you are wrong. It will only effect the mango people like us. Only we will be effected.
If you want to protest in effective way. You should select the Sit Ins Method. Occupy main gate of your MNA’s or MPA’s house. Sit there and record your protest. Make your MPA’s and MNA’s life miserable so that they know how they made our life miserable. That’s the most effective way to protest.
Everyone want change in Pakistan, Everyone is talking about change but this change will never come until you change your own behavior. Wake up change is there, Change will start from individuals, Change will start from you. Stop destroying public/Government properties. Don’t play in the hands of anti-Pakistan forces. Don’t let the enemies of Pakistan to use you against your own country.


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